Andesit Of the many types of natural stone that exist the most is the type of andesite natural stone. It is appropriate that this happens, many reasons why andesite stone has a longer durability than other types of natural stone. One of the reasons is because andesite materials are stronger than other natural stone materials. […]
Bulan: Maret 2021
Candi rtm 2 Natural stone candi is one of the types of natural stone that has a charming look with its black color. These natural stones tend to be black and porous surfaces. The natural stone of this candi has small pores with a considerable amount. The types and shapes of natural stones of this […]
CAMEL ACAK 3 WARNA//ISTANA BATU ALAM NGAWI Rumah batu alam memang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi banyak orang. Pasalnya, rumah yang dirancang dengan menggunakan batu alam akan memberikan kesan yang mewah, namun klasik. Jika Anda sedang berencana untuk membangun sebuah rumah, tentunya hal pertama yang akan Anda pertimbangkan adalah desain rumah. Desain rumah menjadi tahap […]
Wallcading fosil kayu Petrified wood fossils are a type of fossil, which is a wood fossil in which all organic matter has been replaced by minerals (usually a type of silicate, such as quartz), with the wooden structure preserved. The fossil process occurs underground, when the wood is buried under a layer of sediment. Water […]
expose stone // IB Ponorogo. With population growth, the need for a house or place to live has also increased quite rapidly. Building houses with brick-based materials has been a culture in our country since the colonial era. Starting from the arrangement of bricks or blocks, plastering the walls, to plaster. The basic […]
ANDESIT STONE // IB PONOROGO Why is it called the Betel Stacking Stone or can it be called wallcading, namely because of the way it is installed which resembles a pile of strands of betel leaves. Unlike in general, natural stone installation patterns that reveal the entire surface, betel stacking stones are installed in […]
SELL THE CHEAPEST AND COMPLETE ANDESIT SIRIH IN PONOROGO Like other andesite motifs, this stacking betel stone has a hard and dense texture, and is more resistant to rain and hot weather. This stone tends to be gray with a rough texture. This stone is small and elongated. Stone is favored by natural stone […]
ANDESITE STONE // IB PONOROGO IB PONOROGO//Natural stone types of andesite motifs are andesite stones that are made in such a way that they have a motif or shape that is adapted to several previously made images. In the beginning, how to make a motif andesite stone by making a straight line or crossing […]
Wooden Wallcading // Istana Batu Alam Ngawi wood has an alluring natural texture and color. You can stack the wood panels leaving their natural hue as is. That way, natural and warm nuances can be created in your home. Apart from aesthetic factors, wood also has several advantages over other building materials. Compared to metal, […]
Lempeng acak hitam banjanegara A random plate is a term for a natural stone that has a flat shape or plate with a mixed size between large and small. The texture and shape are irregular, ranging in diameter from 10 cm to the largest size of 1 m (long diameter). This stone is also known […]