selling andesit stones of all sizes and the most complete in ponorogo


               Like other andesite motifs, this stacking betel stone has a hard and dense texture, and is more resistant to rain and hot weather. This stone tends to be gray with a rough texture. This stone is small and elongated. Stone is favored by natural stone lovers because of its small, but unique motifs.

               Natural stone andesite stacking betel can be applied to many areas and various designs. This stone can be installed for pillars, interior and exterior walls, fence walls, facades and minimalist garden walls.

               When installing this stone on wall media or other media requires a more level of accuracy, because the installation is quite complicated because you have to pay attention to the nuts / connections between the stones to make it look tidier.

               If the installation is not professional, it will take longer to install. For better installation results and a more beautiful look, you need a special craftsman who is professional in the field of natural stone installation.

               For those of you who are interested in stacking betel andesite stones, you can visit our shop which is located at Jl. Raya Madiun-Ponorogo no 143, south of the red light of Ngepos-Mlilir (South of Bulog Ngrupit, Jenang) or you can contact the contact below:

ISTANA BANGUNAN – 081358147578