selling andesit stones of all sizes,superior and newest products in madiun


Of the many types of natural stone that exist the most is the type of andesite natural stone. It is appropriate that this happens, many reasons why andesite stone has a longer durability than other types of natural stone. One of the reasons is because andesite materials are stronger than other natural stone materials. In addition, andesite stone is also the most abundant raw material in various excavation sites. Therefore the most types of andesite stone & most widely produced in the production of natural stone factories in Cirebon, Bandung, also Tulungagung. Andesite natural stone is divided into two namely andesite panca and andesite GH. andesite is an option because of its strong stone physique and resistance to hot and cold weather. It has a tight porous texture that makes this natural stone has a violent nature compared to other types of natural stone so that it is applied not only on the wall but also many have applied it on the floor. Andesite stones have different characteristics. Andesite panca has the characteristics of a plain surface porous tight and gray. same with the andesite panca but what makes GH different is seen from the prominent glass spots. Our shop sells andesite natural stone. For the price is also very affordable. For reservations, please come directly to the jl.MT. haryono no.37 madiun (in front of PLN office in Madiun) or can directly contact  WA number 082229435751 or 08113035657. Don’t forget to wear a mask, keep your distance and wash your hands. Stick to the health protocol set by the government. YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR PRIORITY.  Thank you